Bargaining chips, deficiencies… what next?

This blog has settled a bit of dust, because, quite frankly, I find it hard to keep up with the pace at which the UK has kept shooting its own feet over the last months. It’s difficult to articulate thoughts without resorting to strong and explicit language. This will be a very long and very personal read. Feedback welcome; trolls not so much.

It’s hard to balance being a “guest” with the criticism I want to express towards politics and media. The (very easy) common response to my criticism is: “Well, if you don’t like it here, be on your way already.” Most people simply do not get how a person or family could move into another country and then criticise things, not because they don’t like it there, but because they actually care; perhaps more than many nationals do, who got away with “grin & bear” for most of their lives.
I tend to just brush that aside as lack of experience; people who have barely ever left their communities (never mind countries) to actually live elsewhere, cannot possibly know what it’s like (nothing wrong with that per se!). If any of my readers feel offended because my opinion differs from yours, let’s discuss your point of view. If you feel offended, just because I have an opinion on what you think is your country, and yours alone, let me pre-empt that with the phrase that you understand best: you can fuck right off.

So, with the small talk and niceties exchanged, let’s go a couple of years back; around ten years more precisely. That’s about the time when I decided to move to the UK (from Germany). I told my business partner that I intended to leave Germany for at least a year, potentially longer, and was looking for a job in London. I handed over my shares in return for a few months salary. I had no interest in ripping apart the company (employing three other people) or cause any trouble to them, because the decision to move was my very own, and they couldn’t possibly understand why. To be honest, I simply needed a new challenge; language, new environment, different culture and approach to doing business and viewing the world, from village to metropolis… I thought even if I didn’t stay in London, it would benefit my future to have that kind of experience under my belt; professionally as much as personally.

I was lucky to land a job before I even came here. Only had to fly in for a second interview, went straight on to sign, and three weeks later, I started work in Battersea. From running and part-owning a business in Germany, to being full time employed and living in a flat share in South London (as I didn’t know how things would work out financially), within three weeks. Yeah, I know, hardly anybody would understand that, but it felt like the right thing to do at the time. Having said that, being in full time employment wasn’t a long term goal. It’s hard to report to others when you are used to running your own business and have previously enjoyed a career as an officer in the armed forces; in other words, people had been reporting to me for well over 10 years. But in hindsight it was a wise move and helped to get my bearings straight and work out my future plans.

Well, by plans I mean: General idea how life might be going. Truth is, sometimes life plans your future for you; it just happens. So does love. Moving on two years from when I came to the UK, I found myself sharing a rented flat (already the third) with my wife, who I’d met just months after my first steps on these islands.

So far, so good. EU citizen, married to non-EU citizen, living in London. Pretty normal situation at the time, really. One of the things I loved about the city was its incredible diversity. People from literally all countries in the world and all walks of life in one vibrant city; great when you’re in your thirties. Job (in the meantime I had become a contractor) was great, too, and well paid. Everything was honky dory as they say, and not for one second did either of us feel not welcome. Anyway, why would anybody object to us being there? I paid more corporation tax each year than Facebook did in 2013 and 2014 combined. Sure, neither of us was a doctor or scientist, just an IT contractor and an aspiring accountant, but we didn’t ever ask for anything. We were net contributors (and still are); but these terms would only start to matter years later – I’ll get there. So nothing to worry about surely. Life was fine.

About four years ago, we moved to rented accommodation number 5, a small house in the north-east of London. That was intended to be the last place we’d rent before buying a house and having kids. Consequently our focus was on saving up more for a nice deposit on a mortgage. Since I had been contractor without any gaps and my wife employed without gaps until then, everything was going exactly to “plan”. Pretty normal life for a normal couple. (We didn’t know yet, that we weren’t a normal couple; that people would soon see us as a burden, objectify us as bargaining chips. We didn’t feel unwelcome, yet.)

Wait a minute, this must be around year seven now? Didn’t I talk about going to London for about a year or so? Well yes, life, plans, love… as I said: things sometimes just happen. Not for a second did I think about going back. Even when I went to Germany for the normal family visits, I always felt like it wasn’t “my country” any more. I felt like a stranger, and to be honest, my spoken German sounded strange by then too. 🙂

In other words, Britain became my home. When exactly that happened, I don’t have a clue. It’s a gradual process, and while I chose to come here, I did not ever really choose to settle or feel home. The first few times you go back to your country of birth, it feels home there. Eventually that feeling reverses; you feel home when you return to where you live; the UK in my case.

So there we were, still in rented accommodation, planning future and family. And by then we of course also had to jump through the hoops of permanent residence. Strictly speaking, I didn’t have to at the time, but in support of my wife’s application, the solicitor recommended doing that, since I had to provide tons of documents for her anyway to prove that she qualified and I could support her.

What a nightmare that was! No human being should be forced to be put through so much scrutiny. The documents submitted, including the forms, which were about 70 pages each, if I remember correctly, weighed several kilograms! Now the first solicitor we had was useless; some moron in the Home Office rejected our application, because they found about a month or two gap in my documentation, where it wasn’t clear to them whether or not I had been exercising treaty rights. If they had looked a little bit closer (or had given me a ring to clarify), they would have noticed me sending invoices during that time and paying taxes for that timeframe too (VAT more specifically). But they didn’t. Instead they rejected our applications. The letter to me stated that due to EU laws, I could of course stay, if I exercised treaty rights now. The letter to my wife was less lenient: She got an ultimatum of about two weeks to buy herself a flight ticket, send that to the Home Office and then meet them at the airport, where they would then return her passport and wave her goodbye for good. Our daughter was about to be born.

A different solicitor (I went for one of the major firms in the UK, at a significant cost, of course) then performed a sterling job with buying us a little bit of time and re-submitting a new application. In return, my wife had to report monthly to the Home Office Immigration Enforcement. Like a criminal. At the first visit there, our daughter was only weeks old, and it took hours, where even I – her husband – was not allowed to stay with them; I had to wait outside in the cold, not knowing whether she’d actually come out again or would be locked away in the detention centre (plenty of cells, by the looks of it, in the same building), because some other idiot might just make another mistake. Luckily she emerged after almost three hours!

Fast forward five months or so, and we finally got our permanent residence cards. In the meantime, while our application was processed, laws had changed here: Now EU citizens must have permanent residence before they can apply for a British passport, if they wish to do so. (Before it was good enough to fulfil the requirements for permanent residence, but you didn’t actually have to get the card.)
If you don’t have five years or more without inexplicable gaps under your belt, forget it. (In case you wonder about the price: The cards don’t cost a lot, because they are based on EU law, but without solicitor we wouldn’t have been successful. That set us back several thousand pounds.)
Funnily enough, because we qualified much earlier, and had apparently acquired permanent resident status before our baby was born, even though it wasn’t formally documented and the first application failed, our daughter was British by birth. We got her passport within a week or so after we applied for it.

Did this ordeal make us feel home less or welcome less here? Not really. It appeared to be a genuine fuck-up by the Home Office (and Capita as their bringer of bad news and executing arm). We were angry, anxious, in some situations close to a serious panic, lost a good amount of money (no point appealing), but we didn’t take it personally. (Stuff like the Go Home Vans etc, we shrugged off. Maybe we had adopted “grin & bear” already, who knows?)
I only realised later that ours wasn’t just an isolated case. Apparently there was a sinister intention behind it: All these hoops and potential costs are meant to be a deterrent. And to be honest, anyone who has had more than one employer in the last five years, or who had even a week gap, will probably struggle with those forms and the compulsory sickness insurance (yep, that’s another fun aspect, which they are now pushing for). If you’re a contractor, forget about doing this without a solicitor. You may be lucky; or you may not be. Evaluate the risks vs. costs for yourself. (I’m not in a position to give legal advice, nor am I up to date with the latest changes.)


We’re approaching 2016 now. The year where everything changed for EU citizens and their families (regardless of the spouses’ nationalities).

Over night, all the closet bigots and racists have surfaced. An overall very welcoming country – with very few exceptions – has turned into a xenophobic beast. You might think this description is over the top. I think the Polish guy killed in Harlow and the 20% raise in hate crime in the UK (or England and Wales more precisely) speak volumes. And probably you should feel at least a tiny bit ashamed for your fellow countrymen, too, if you don’t at least speak up against xenophobia.
It wasn’t too long ago that the main media here was picking on Germany and its rise in hate crime (about a few 1,000 per year at the time, if I’m not mistaken). Well, in England and Wales there were >50,000 recorded hate crimes in a year. Think about this for a moment. Well over 100 every single day.

My wife and I have been lucky. As a German I don’t usually get any abuse until my accent becomes apparent; and I wouldn’t call ever so boring jokes about Hitler and the war abuse. It’s a poor attempt to be funny. And honestly, if you ever made such jokes in public, or even saluted “Heil Hitler” style: you’re a pathetic fool – for everybody to see.
“Grin & bear”… there it is again. That said, some Germans do take this stuff seriously, because we have learned from our history and we are still made to feel guilty about what happened generations ago — from a relatively early school age. That very dark chapter in European history must not be forgotten. I’m not sure how much of it is taught in British schools; but apparently it’s not enough. Even if you weren’t the perpetrators, many of your lives were lost in the war, too; you owe it to your fallen soldiers not to forget what xenophobia can lead to, and not to ever let that happen again in any country, including your own.
As for my Asian wife: She’s thick-skinned and apart from occasional remarks has mostly been spared.

Anyhow, 2016: EU Referendum. The worst political gamble in Tory party history, carried out on the shoulders of a nation, and at their expense. I’m not going to go on about how much has changed since the referendum (not a lot) and how much is exactly the same (a hell of a lot). But I do say this, and I’m sad to do so: None of the news we read about Brexit/EU/UK these days come as any surprise. None. Brexit will be a gigantic clusterfuck. Britain will be poorer, lose its influence on the world stage, and citizens and workers will lose many of their rights so that corporations can have lower taxes and responsibility = more profit. Banks are fleeing the country (or planning to); the little amount of production left in Britain will suffer from EU supply chains; everybody will be surprised about their food bills, never mind costs for holidays if they still can afford them (tumbling Pound, much more expensive flights) . Those pesky experts have said it before the referendum; and those bastards were right. Sod them, eh? You haven’t seen anything yet. Things will unfold brutally around this time next year and shit will really hit the fan in the year after Brexit (spring 2019). Mark my words; or those of experts, who you should pay more attention to anyway.

So there we were, gobsmacked on the morning after the referendum (when I went to bed that night, Remain was ahead; we all know the score in the morning after). Absolutely nobody, including the Brexiters, who remained in hiding for a while, could believe what happened. And after a while of thinking “what the fuck have we done” they slowly emerged and announced that a 2% majority was good enough to plough on with the “will of the people”. Even more so, it became clearer by the day that only the hardest of hard Brexits seemed likely. Politicians, including our PM, who had previously been on the Remain side, suddenly became the most vicious and ruthless drivers of an extreme Brexit.

But it got worse, for over three million citizens here and another 1.4 million or so citizens abroad: The lives of all EU citizens and British citizens in the EU were put on hold. We had officially become bargaining chips. It was ok for us to be in the UK, for now. Nobody wanted to cut down EU citizens’ rights, the Tories said; but equally nobody wanted to commit to protecting them either.

Now if I go back to the fact that I’m a net contributor: My taxes every year would easily cover a nurse’s take home pay. I’m in a fortunate position at the moment. But I’m also aware that it may not always be like it. I worked my arse off to be where I am. Likewise, EU nurses and doctors work their arses off, doing double shifts, saving your lives – whether you be Brexiter or “Remoaner”. They are heroes. (As it happened, an EU doctor delivered our baby in a hairy emergency situation and saved my wife’s life in the process. No idea, if he’s still in the UK; I wouldn’t be surprised if not.)

In any case, the vast majority of EU citizens are net contributors, be it by their tax payments, be it by the kind of work they do. We’re not stealing anybody’s job. If there wasn’t a shortage in certain fields, EU citizens wouldn’t come here to begin with. Nobody moves to a foreign country without at least some level of confidence that they will be needed.

Did any party or the media acknowledge that? No. Not in England anyway. Maybe with warm words, but not one party put the money where their loud mouths were. All the Brexit legislation was waved through without much problem. Even Gina Miller’s heroic effort to achieve some scrutiny was ultimately rendered void, by MPs who represent nobody but their own agendas.

Now, there was one exception, as Scots know: the SNP. Nicola Sturgeon was like a beacon of hope. As we were in a place to be able to afford a house in the second half of 2016, we considered several places, including Scotland. You know already how that panned out: We live in Scotland since September 2016. Brexit obviously was a driving factor; or, more precisely, the prospect of Scotland coming to its senses and going down the route of independence. All the indications were there at the time; hence the decision to purchase here. (Also, if Scotland was to become independent, Edinburgh, Glasgow and the central belt would be booming!)

What has happened since we moved here? Not a lot. Apparently some idiotic Prime Minister shot her own foot once more by calling a general election which went pear shaped, and all English parties including their Scottish branches continue to make fools of themselves. Brexit negotiations haven’t lead anywhere yet, other than the realisation that the clusterfuck is much bigger a clusterfuck than all deniers combined care to admit. In other words: The “strong and stable” government has found the magic money tree and made itself hostage to 10 nutcases from Northern Ireland; Labour wants a different kind of hard Brexit, which is equally undefined as the Tories’; Honorary Colonel Tank Girl aka Ruth Davidson tries to deflect all the nonsense her head office throws her way and adds a considerable amount more to it; Labour in Scotland continues its identity crisis (a miracle that Kezia Dugdale hasn’t been challenged yet; my guess is they lack politicians with backbone altogether).
Meanwhile the SNP cracking on with the day job splendidly while lobbying for Scottish interests in the EU and elsewhere. Performing better than all other parts of the UK on health, economy, jobs… it’s still “SNP bad” in the media as usual.

So yeah, very much all the same still. At least as far EU citizens and British citizens in the EU are concerned (no, nothing personal, but I won’t call you expats, thereby somehow elevating your importance over ours).

Anti Brexit voices got louder, and there appears to be a swing in public opinion. Brexit might not be such a great idea after all. Who would have thought? But that doesn’t seem to concern the UK Gov much:

They delivered the bombshell today, and that’s probably an understatement. The UK Gov, realising that Great Repeal Bill might sound cheesy and maybe isn’t all that great, have published the EU (Withdrawal) Bill. Explanatory notes here. I’ll borrow the highlighting from The 3Million’s twitter thread: (if you aren’t following them yet, you should; if you haven’t donated yet, please consider doing so, too!)


Theresa May has drawn a red line for the European Court of Justice before; in short, she wants them to no longer have any power over domestic law at all. This was already bad news. Very bad news, indeed. But this new bill takes it a huge step further: It openly states the intention and power to change/remove EU citizens’ rights. According to these explanatory notes, the condition would be a No Deal scenario. Now, we all know that despite not having the faintest idea what No Deal would actually mean for the UK, the government has argued “No deal is better than a bad deal” quite openly before. And with hardening red lines around ECJ, Freedom of Movement and EU citizens’ rights, No Deal might become a real possibility. And then we are – excuse my language – fucked!

There will be no guarantee whatsoever that our crazy overlords don’t just turn around and say: “Sorry, you’re going home. It’s the EU’s fault.” (And by home they do not mean where we feel home, but what our passports say. And by sorry, they mean, well, nothing really. And of course everything is always the EU’s fault.)
Suddenly, the permanent residence card (which is based on EU law in our case) might not be worth the plastic it’s made of, let alone the sweat and tears and money spent to get it in the first place.

We were planning to get a British citizenship or ideally some day a Scottish citizenship if all goes well. We love Scotland. Currently we cannot imagine a better place to live and raise our daughter (2nd birthday coming up). It feels more home than anywhere we have ever lived before; and as I can only speak for myself, it also feels more home than Germany ever has.

So what’s holding us back? With permanent residence in our pockets, it should be relatively straight forward to get British Citizenship. Relatively. The thing is, there’s no right to gain citizenship. A good chance, but no right and no appeal.

Also, Germany accepts dual citizenship only with EU countries and a select few others. There we go again; yet another area nobody has considered: If UK leaves EU, I will likely have to pick one of my two citizenships. It would be a no brainer under normal circumstances until about 2015, but EU citizens will have more rights and better protection in 27 other countries any day now. Eleven years ago, I didn’t know I’d end up in Scotland. So who knows, we may still be here in eleven years, and that certainly is the plan. But we don’t know. I’d like to keep my options.

What we also don’t know is whether or not Scotland will be independent in two years time. If not, we will be part of Brexit Britain. We will lose a lot of money in the process as house prices and the Pound will tumble. If we had a British passport then, we’d be stuck. (I know, from a British citizens’ point of view, this must sound a bit harsh; but truth is, nobody would voluntarily forfeit the rights and possibilities they have. It’s not about me being selfish; it’s mainly about the future of my child. Your fellow Britons who live in the EU can probably relate to this.)

Suddenly, thoughts like moving to Norway cross my mind. (Pretty much everybody there speaks English fluently, or even German, from what I hear.) Not even a year after we bought this fantastic house in Scotland. It tears my heart out that a right-wing agenda could be powerful enough to make a whole country head down the cliff, with open eyes, and ruin millions of lives. Or as LBC’s James O’Brien quoted one listener: “I don’t care if we starve; at least we’ll be free from the EU.” How is that even possible? It’s a very deep state of denial for sure; those people will be the first to complain once everything gets more expensive, healthcare falls apart (or is sold off to the US in lieu of a desperately needed trade deal; any deal!), and real wages fall even sharper than they already have in the last years.

The only hope we have now is a successful second Independence Referendum. But that still doesn’t answer whether or not to apply for a British passport, since Scotland might be at least briefly outside the EU, which could still render our EU-law based permanent residence invalid, at least for a while, and could be a pricy gamble.

It’s a nasty situation to be in. And it’s much, much worse for all those EU citizens here (and UK citizens in the EU), who don’t even have a choice, because they haven’t been here (or there) long enough to qualify, or because they simply cannot easily afford thousands of pounds to apply for citizenship (that money could be lost, if not accepted). And then there’s of course plenty of us who simply don’t want to stay if they’re not welcome. A sentiment I would have shared until I started feeling home here.

I don’t know how to end this way too long blog post. I don’t despair easily. It’s not easy being an optimist right now, though. I guess we’ll stick around and see how it pans out,  hoping that the UK and/or Scotland wake up before it’s too late. I mean, there’s still a chance that the writ formerly known as Great Repeal Bill will be defeated in parliament. Yeah, as if. I know…


Make Britain Great again my Arse

Obviously, I am a little bit late to write about the Conservative Party Conference (CPC for short in this article) and its immediate aftermath. Quite frankly, I shouldn’t write about it all, because it fills me with rage and disgust. But I have to get it out. Apart from the headline, I will try to keep it somewhat civil.

Most of my Twitter followers and the few readers of this blog will have heard the masterpieces of political brainfartery that have transpired from the CPC. To me personally, the current Tory government has lost the last remaining (albeit tiny) shred of credibility. The very same can, and must, be said about the mainstream media. (We can now see what you did in New York when you met your new buddy Rupert, Theresa.)

So here we go then: The Tories claim the new centre ground, is what we hear and read. When -since Germany in the 1930’s- has the centre ground been so far to the right that a right wing politician -Nigel Farage no less- would claim credit for Theresa May’s speech, and that a UKIP MEP could contemplate joining the Tories? Side note: He subsequently got assaulted by a fellow UKIP thug, though that’s obviously not the Tories fault.

I know, the keen observer will have noticed that I’m not doing this in chronological order at all… To be perfectly honest, too much dangerous nonsense has been spouted at the CPC; keeping that in perfect order -and anger in check- isn’t an easy feat.


For whatever it’s worth, a step back then… Theresa has kicked off the CPC hinting at a very hard Brexit. We’ve heard that before; but so far we haven’t heard any date or plan. Now we have a date, March 2017. A plan, you ask? Who needs a plan when we can be a world leader in free trade, right? Yeah, never mind.

While the Brexiteers were drooling on the short boost of the FTSE100 (which says little about the strength of the UK’s economy), all those who gave up wearing rose-tinted glasses long ago noticed that the Pound Stirling hit rock bottom again… The lowest of lows in 31 years against the US Dollar; and a 5-year low against the Euro. The markets did not like the lack of plan or the time-frame within which Article 50 is going to be triggered.

Now I hear the ones who still do wear rose-tinted glasses (nice look there mate!)… Low Pound is good for export. Yes, it is, if -and only if- no part of your export product has any components that have been imported. And to put it on a wider scale: An economy such as the UK which is a net importer (meaning that we import more than we export, mostly because we don’t really produce much these days), will lose if the Pound goes down. Also, any money owed to foreign entities, suddenly becomes much more expensive to pay back.

Now let’s add to that the exit from the Single Market. In practical terms, this means we will at least initially -for however long it takes to negotiate anything different- pay tariffs on exported goods. That makes all British products more expensive abroad. It offsets, or even negates, any perceived benefit the devalued Pound may have.

On top of that, economists worry that some 80,000 jobs and close to £40bn may be lost early in the process. Most of the jobs are obviously in the service sector, which the UK so heavily depends on. And they require passporting rights, which will soon be history.

You still wearing those glasses? Man, you’re hopeless. By the way, Britain is no longer the 5th strongest economy in the world. Almost immediately after May’s speech, it dropped to rank 6.


So let’s move on from a complete lack of economic strategy (or even hint of a grasp) to what Brexit apparently really is about: Bloody foreigners! (Mind, I can call them that with tongue in cheek, because I am a foreigner myself.)

I think Jeremy Hunt, probably the worst Health Secretary in British history, made a start suggesting that all EU doctors be replaced by home grown doctors in the near future. But it would be okay for EU doctors to stay until then. Well isn’t that generous? Those doctors have saved lives in Britain! You should be fucking grateful and welcome them with open arms; instead you make them feel tolerated, at best, until their time is up. It’s absolutely outrageous. On top of that, you are sending a signal not only to doctors, but to all EU citizens: If even doctors are merely tolerated, who work their arse off under terrible conditions, thanks to you Jeremy; what about any EU citizen doing less “noble” jobs?

Oh, of course, according to Liam Fox (former GP, later disgraced Defence Secretary, now somehow all clued up on international trade), EU citizens are merely bargaining chips. How could I forget. How do British citizens living in EU countries feel about that? The 300,000 in Spain for example, a majority of whom are retired? Spain has already asked for the UK to shoulder the bill, and damn rightly so, if we’re all just “cards” to play with. Presumably you don’t want to bring them back, because a) they won’t vote for you ever, b) they will want pensions paid, c) they will make use of the NHS, which will then be even shorter of doctors. I wonder why no politician has even mentioned them yet?
EU citizens in Britain currently enjoy the same rights as Brit expats in the EU. Limit rights in one country, and the other will retaliate. If it really comes to that point, it should be interesting to watch more than 1.2 million British voters return; voters for any party but the Tories then, obviously.

In other news: Amber Rudd just weeks ago praised Theresa May as the most successful Home Secretary the UK has ever had. It’s completely unclear to me by which measure, because the Tories’ own net immigration target for 2015 was missed by some 330,000 under her watch. Not that I care. Not that anybody should care, because EU immigrants in particular are net contributors to the UK economy, meaning they pay more in taxes into the Treasury’s coffers than they take out in benefits or healthcare, whereas for British nationals it’s apparently the other way round. Given Amber Rudd’s track record in business (several companies she ran and owned owed millions when they were closed down), she’s obviously not referring to numbers. I’m guessing she found the hugely offensive “Go home” vans a success. Or maybe she just felt like licking May’s arse for no reason.

Oh numbers… Yeah well, as I pointed out, they are not Amber Rudd’s strong suit. No surprise then that she wants to “crack down” on the number of foreign students in the UK. The lack of income from tuition fees would then probably be paid by… no, I’m not going to mention the #VoteLeave bus. Nope.

Another absolutely fantastic plan, which Adolf Hitler would immediately approve of (in fact he did have something very similar in place), is that all businesses should be reporting the number of foreign employees they have. Why, you ask? To “encourage” -name&shame to you and me- businesses who don’t employ enough Brits. Let that sink in for a moment. No honestly, think about it. For me personally, the lunch was almost on its way out where it entered my body minutes before, when I heard that. Absolutely disgusting and disgraceful!

Unsurprisingly, a huge number of businesses were in arms as well and essentially told Amber Rudd to fuck right off. They were not going to comply. As far as Scottish businesses are concerned, Nicola Sturgeon has said today that she would support any business that didn’t comply, too.

It doesn’t really matter that Amber Rudd attempted to row back saying “it’s not something we are definitely going to do” in an interview. Well I’m not sure what that statement actually means. Probably not a lot. Anyway, the damage is already done. Unfortunately, it’s not just her, who has revealed a deeply racist mindset. Somebody in the Department of Education, by order of the government apparently, has requested already (some time last week or so) that all pupils be profiled by nationality and -wait for it- country of birth. Parents are receiving letters from schools to do just that at the moment.
What is the legal basis for this shit? Profiling for nationality is a bit rich already; but profiling for country of birth? You can’t be fucking serious. Tomorrow, we (all foreigners that is) will be wearing tags? Front doors are marked? And then what? Seriously, where is this heading?

Hitler would be proud of you. And this is not a comparison I draw easily, because being German myself, I have been exposed to more than enough education about our gruesome  history. It must not be repeated; not in Germany or anywhere else in the world! How politicians and news editors, who are usually relatively well-educated, can use racist language and actively incite hate, is beyond me.

In 1920/1930’s Germany, it started exactly the same way. The vastly simplified summary: Economy hit rock bottom; all strangers were blamed; simultaneously Germans declared themselves superior to everybody else. Slowly and steadily it became the norm to hate Jews, and anybody opposing it would be considered not patriotic, or a traitor even. Then it became a crime to support Jews in any way, shape or form.We all know, hopefully, where that ultimately led to.

Racism and xenophobia develop on a sliding scale. The EU referendum got the slider into motion (as a surge in racially motivated hate crime confirms), and it keeps moving to the far political right, if we don’t speak up against it. All of us!

Any form of racism and xenophobia must stop. Right now. Especially in politics and the media!


The question is how the fuck we got here? I have no answer to that.

The UK has problems, no doubt: A widening gap between the rich and the poor; declining NHS performance in England; unaffordable housing (too much demand, too little supply); to name only a few. None of that is the fault of immigration, though. If you want to put the blame on anybody, take a close look at policies of Austerity. Take a look at how money is wasted on completely useless nuclear weapons. Take a look at foreign mega corps who, in some cases, pay less corporation tax in the UK than most one-man Limited company contractors. Take a look at how the Tories have managed to increase the deficit. Take a look at how foreign investment, like Hinkley Point C, benefits nobody in this country. Take a look at how British banks have spectacularly burnt taxpayer’s money. None of that has anything to do with the EU or immigration. It has everything to do with putting the blame on somebody else to deflect from issues and mistakes.


Please, Scotland, let’s get out of this! Remaining part of the UK means that Scotland will have its voice heard, and then brutally trampled upon. With 59 seats, we can never get a majority. Westminster knows that. The Tories, who currently have no actual opposition in the House of Commons, know that. They won’t take Scotland’s opinion seriously, ever.

“A country that works for everyone” is never going to happen. Westminster will drag us out of the EU, whether we want it or not (and we don’t). They will dictate the terms of Brexit for Scotland, whether we like them or not (and we won’t). They will make us part of a country that isolates itself in the world and lets xenophobia take the new “centre ground”.

Does that sound like a Union anybody would want to be part of? Bring on Indyref2!


Scot by Choice – First Impressions

Since I mentioned our move-in-progress from within M25 Essex, England, to West Lothian, Scotland, on Twitter, I had a couple of people asking me to jot down my first impressions. I’m quite happy to do that, but before I begin, let me just recap how we got here.

If you remember, it wasn’t particularly long ago that I first pondered the idea of moving to Scotland. I think the proverbial final straw was probably Brexit. It’s hard to mention Brexit without getting carried away and starting a massive rant; so let me just say this: I cannot understand how a whole nation could be fooled into the idea that retreating from one of the worlds strongest trading blocs and keeping its residents out (who are net contributors to the UK economy) could somehow be benefitial for a country which operates on a export/import deficit and is reliant on banking and services (in other words: doesn’t actually produce a lot). It just doesn’t make any sense, and it just isn’t going to work. Scotland realised that and therefore voted to stay in the EU; and now there’s a reasonable expectation that a new independence referendum might take place and Scotland might stay in the bloc. So yes, even if this wasn’t the main reason for us to consider moving to Scotland, it definitely did contribute.

Let me go back in time a little bit. Ever since our daugher was born (14 months ago), my wife and I found it increasingly undesirable to live in and around London, where we had been living as tenants for 7 years. While it may be a good place to work, it is a terrible place to live once you’re past your early 30s, even more so with a little child. Polution, traffic, cramped public transport (or alternatively free parking on the M25 and all major roads twice a day), long commutes, very expensive (yet low standard) accommodation are just some of the things you have to put up with. Or, do you? That really was the question, which started to nag louder and louder in recent months.

We decided that it was time to move on, and armed with a nice credit score and a handsome deposit, we should be able to afford a decent house. Not in or near London, of course, because we were not willing to pay back our mortgage until the age of 75, and we sure weren’t going to stay there until that age!

So we were now facing the tough choice of where to move to. Of course we still needed a place with a big enough job market (or demand for contractors, as far as I’m concerned). Good infrastructure, schools, not too rural and not too urban; maybe an airport nearby (for frequent visits to and from Germany and potentially for future contracts). So we narrowed it down to three areas, essentially: somewhere near Birmingham (West Midlands); maybe around Manchester? Or, indeed, the Lothians with good links to Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Well, as you have gathered, we chose Scotland; more precisely West Lothian. Reasons are (in no particular order): schools, health care quality, nice countryside (mountains, sea side, lochs and what have you in driving distance), short links to two big cities (both via train and car), proximity to an airport with links to all major cities that matter for me as an IT contractor (London, Amsterdam, Dublin, to name a few; not that I want to go there every other week, but it helps to have options if need be).
Furthermore, we have experienced Scots as extremely welcoming people in the past; my wife has some relatives in the area; and the overall quality of living is much better than any of the alternatives mentioned earlier. Oh, and you can still get fantastic houses for a somewhat reasonable amount of money!
Can I also mention Brexit and the possibility of Indyref2 again? My gut feeling just tells me that if Brexit made Britain’s economy take a fall (and it bloody well will!), an independent Scotland would likely become much more interesting to companies looking to set up camp in the EU. Scotland might benefit from Westminster’s mistakes. So that’s another reason why buying in Scotland made more sense to us.

Consequently we decided to take a trip to Scotland for an extended weekend in late July, and arranged 10 viewings plus a visit to a local solicitor (just in case). What can I say; one of the houses we saw ticked literally all the boxes: 4 bedrooms; 13 years old; completely refurbished only two years ago; huge modern kitchen and nice garden to keep the wife happy; sun room extension (no, not just a conservatory!); double garage; good choice of schools nearby; train station in short walking distance; Edinburgh airport roughly 20 minutes by car; M8 only minutes away; yet a quiet and clean residential area. Anyway, it was quite literally exactly what we had dreamed of, although we never expected to find and be able to afford such a great match.
And for the price: An old two-bedroom flat in London, with drafty windows and an EPG rating of Z (if it existed!), which we used to rent years ago, recently sold for nearly 20% more than this particular very high spec 4-bedroom house.

The brilliant news (for us) was that our verbal offer was accepted. We got the call from our solicitor on the way back home! So between the viewing tour and our holidays, we had just a week to finalise the mortgage application and prepare the letter to our landlady (to be posted once the solicitor advised it was safe to do so). Half way through our holidays, we did get the call that everything was in order and the house would definitely be ours. Best holidays ever, with news like that!

So anyway, to cut a rather long story a bit shorter… Our house viewing trip to Scotland was two months ago to the day. And today we have been in our new house for a week already. So that’s about seven weeks between viewing and picking up the keys, which is not a bad pace. That said, I was supposed to write about our first impressions. So let’s see to it…


The very first thing that I noticed was the amount of traffic (or lack thereof) and the -on average- much better road conditions. It may obviously depend on the region you move away from and to, but where we used to live, you couldn’t even say “wh-aa-aaat the bloo-oo-dy he-eeeee-llll” without biting your tounge, even in a big and comfortable car. That’s how poor the road conditions were. Add to that the sunken manhole covers and the countless seriously criminal potholes, and you might aswell just kill yourself. I really do appreciate the better roads around here!

The next thing you notice, once you get out of the car, is the friendliness of people (apart from the occasional odd one out, of course). English people mostly want to be polite, sometimes overdo it a little, and then seem rather fake. Occasionally I found that very difficult to deal with. As a German (or Fishhead, as fellow Germans call people who come from the northern parts), I am used to very direct way of communicating with each other: we don’t make much fuzz and don’t do the beating around the bushes business. We typically mean what we say, and if we feel particularly considerate, we shut up rather than pretending to like somebody or agree to something if in fact we don’t. Sometimes we don’t even try to conceal disagreement or antipathy.
Now for the Scots, I think they are in a way similar, except that they are more welcoming and friendly than the majority of northern Germans. In any case, they come across very genuine and honest.

Talking about welcoming… I should definitely mention that our closest neighbours showed up at our door while the removers were still unloading the truck; armed with cards and drinks they welcomed us to the neighbourhood. Now how cool is that! That’s quite a different world compared to London (and south west Essex), where even after years you only know the neighbours’ names, if you had to take a parcel delivery on their behalf  at some point because they weren’t in.

What else can I report after just a week? Oh, yes, the accent(s) of course! They will definitely take some time to get used to. We had a plumber here the other day, and I could literally only understand every other word and somehow make sense of the overall context, albeit after a lot of “sorry”, “can you say that again please”, “pardon” and so forth. Felt a bit like when I first came to the UK and my “listening comprehension” wasn’t particularly great. Poor chap had to repeat himself so often! But he did a fantastic job fixing that tiny leak and was about half as expensive as it would have been in London.

That brings me to overall costs. Car and motorbike insurance: down by ~40%. Utility bills apparently down by ~25%, according to calculations by Scottish Power based on previous consumption in this propery, even though the property is more than twice as big as the house we lived in before. Plumber, as mentioned before, about 50% cheaper. Mortgage 10% cheaper than our last rent, not to mention the fact that we’re now investing in our own future, not in somebody else’s pension. For food and other day to day stuff I would need to ask the wife, although I don’t think that would differ much.

What I very much like here is the water quality. You can actually feel the difference when you take a shower. That really is a big plus in my book. The same goes for the air!
In fact our little (or more appropriately: wee) daughter had a lot of excema before and needed strong cremes do keep them in check. They have almost vanished in just a week with much lower dose of the creme. She sleeps better too. As any dad (or mum) will confirm: when the little ones are happy, so are the parents!

That’s it for my “week one report” I suppose. I’m sure we’ll discover many more very positive things about Scotland (or the area of Scotland where we live). We are super excited to be here.
(I write this as the winds blow through the big trees outside, which very much reminds me of my childhood. I love wind and the sound of it, even more so with the underfloor heating on!)

It was a big decision to move from within the M25 all the way up to Scotland and buy a property straight away, but I’m sure it was a good one!